Publication of September 2024 issue of Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies – “Current Comparative Literary Studies in East Asia”
Dear Colleagues,
We take great pleasure in announcing the publication of the September 2024 issue of Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies. The special issue, “Current Comparative Literary Studies in East Asia,” is guest-edited by Professor Yu-lin Lee and Professor Woosung Kang. This special issue features five research articles and one forum, along with two research articles covering general topics. All articles are available on our website. For more information please visit
Joan Chiung-huei Chang
Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies
Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, Vol. 50 No. 2 (September 2024)
Special Issue “Current Comparative Literary Studies in East Asia”
Guest Editors: Yu-lin Lee and Woosung Kang
Introduction: Current Comparative Literary Studies in East Asia / Yu-lin Lee and Woosung Kang
Suki Kim’s Journalist Memoir: Remembering the Korean War and the Affected / Heui-Yung Park
Han Shaogong’s Metalinguistic Play: On Maqiao Cidian / Kate Costello
Gaia Reconfigured: Catastrophe and Composition in Wu Ming-Yi’s The Man with the Compound Eyes / Julian Chih-wei Yang
The Affective Politics of Magnetism: A Trans-Species Reflection on Theoretical Affect / Chun-Mei Chuang
Chinese Contemplation: Hermann Hesse and Chinese Literature / Chunhua Zhan
Taiwan Literature Engaging the World: Four Scholars in Dialogue / Kuei-fen Chiu, Mei-E Huang, Fang-Mei Lin, and Shu-mei Shih
Literary and Cultural Criticism
Artistic Crossover in Colum McCann’s Apeirogon / Chi-min Chang
Criticism of Criticism, and Digression in Digression: (Mis)interpretation as a Structuring Keyword in A Tale of a Tub / Xiyao He