Publication of March 2023 issue of Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies – “Culture Chameleons: Narrative Code-Switching
Dear Colleagues,
We take great pleasure in announcing the publication of the March 2023 issue of Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies. The special issue, “Culture Chameleons: Narrative Code-Switching,” is guest edited by Professor Earl Jackson, Chair Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at Asia University, and our very own Professor Mary Goodwin. This special issue features four research articles, one comic, and one interview. There are also two research articles on general topics and one review article. All articles are available on our website; for more information please visit
Justin Prystash
Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies
Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, Vol. 49 No. 1 (March 2023)
Special Issue “Culture Chameleons: Narrative Code-Switching”
Guest Editors: Earl Jackson and Mary Goodwin
Introduction / Earl Jackson and Mary Goodwin
Cross-Ciphering Modernity: The Social Representation of Code-Switching in The World between Us / Min-Chi Chen
Code-Mixing and Code-Switching in Classical Hong Kong Cinemas / Victor Fan
Everyday Resistance, Female Agency, and Identity Politics: Code-Switching as Tactic in Still Human / Ting-Ying Lin
Pachinko and the Code-Switching of History / Suk Kim and Heegoo Lee
Code-Switching: Trials and Tribulations / Julia Alekseyeva
Decoding Power Structures in US and Taiwan Universities: An Interview with Jennifer Ruth / Jennifer Ruth with Mary Goodwin
Literary and Cultural Criticism
Frank O’Hara’s Libidinal Topography and the Nativity of an Orphic Poet / Seoyoung Park
Reconstructing Taiwanese Indigenous Literary History / Nikky Lin
The Birth of Taiwan’s Fourth Cinema / P. Kerim Friedman